How To Have A Well Stocked Pantry + Free Pantry Guide

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I have a different take on prepping. While I do think it’s important to have food in case of an emergency or if there is an interruption to the food supply, I don’t think a bunch of cans of soup or dried potatoes will serve your family well. The thought of a wall of processed food devoid of nutrition does not appeal to me. Instead I have a pantry filled with ingredients that I use regularly so if something happened and I could not buy food at the grocery store, I have what I need. Read on for a few tips for how to have a well stocked pantry + free pantry guide you can use to get ideas on what you want to do in your home.

stored food in glass jars

Keeping an ingredient pantry serves another purpose too!

As much as I want to be a meal planner mom, I just can’t do it. I have been a mom for 27 years and have four kids and I have tried all sorts of ways to meal plan. Meal planning stifles my fly by the seat of my pants personality! If you are like me then hear my words “you do not have to meal plan to get healthy food on the table!”. The fact that I have a fully stocked ingredient pantry, fridge and freezer means I can whip something up with minimal planning! I rarely have to run to the store in order to make dinner. What I can do is grab frozen meat from the freezer, ingredients from the pantry and some fresh produce and come up with dinner in no time!

Before I share the guide here are a few blog posts I made that may help you get your list together of what you want to have on hand. 4 Tips to Prepare For Food Scarcity Right Now and Tips To Prepare For Food Shortages

There could be a few initial investment purchases you could make so that it’s easier to store ingredients. 5 gallon food grade buckets are a great way to store organic flour, organic sugar and organic oats. I purchased half gallon and gallon sized glass jars from Azure Standard (Click this link and search for options) to store rice, oats, beans, sugar, milk powder, chocolate chips and more so they are easily accessed. I also use canning jars to store herbs, homemade ranch mix, taco mix and things like homemade sauces.

It feels overwhelming but it’s worth it!

It took me some time to get to the point I am at now. Take your time and whittle it away bit by bit. Don’t let overwhelm keep you from making these important changes. Not only will you be happy once you have it all set, it will greatly reduce your stress load.

Grab my well stocked pantry guide HERE

Azure standard pantry guide

I am focusing on Azure Standard but you can purchase these ingredients anywhere. I do recommend checking Azure out though because it’s super high quality and it bypasses the grocery store which I think is wise to do. We all know how fragile the current food supply is so having a back up plan is smart. Azure has delivery drops all over the country and they have super high quality food options. Check them out HERE

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